Grant Guidelines
Winners will be announced on March 11, 2025.
The purpose of this program is to foster greater economic development activity in Texas by encouraging and enabling veteran woman-owned small businesses to undertake new and innovative projects. Five – $5,000 grants for a total of $25,000 are available for this round of funding.
Grant amount
Who can apply?
Eligible businesses must satisfy all of the following conditions:
- Existing veteran woman-owned businesses (at least 51% directly owned and controlled by one or more veteran women who are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents). The business must be a for-profit corporation, partnership, LLP or LLC, or sole proprietorship. Not-for-profit corporations or similar nonprofit entities are not eligible.
- The business must currently be set up as a legal entity.
- Honorably Discharged, General Discharge under honorable conditions, Active duty in a military transition assistance program (with approved discharge date), Reservist/National Guard.
- If the business or business owner owns the premises from which the business operates, all property taxes must be current.
- All sales, payroll, and other taxes must be current.
- Business must be located and operated within the state of Texas.
- Business owners/partners must not have any felonies or convictions for a crime of dishonesty or breach of trust.
- The business, business owner, and the applicant must not be involved in any pending or current litigation.
- The business, business owner, and applicant are operating with all required permits and licenses and are conforming to all required laws — check the Texas Taxable Entity Search page
Ineligible applicants
- TWU faculty/staff (or any immediate family member of the applicants family, including spouse, child, parent), trustee, advisory committee member.
- TWU Students are not eligible to apply.
- Prior grant winners of any CWE grant.
- Applicants who have taken part in any CWE program in the last year including AccelerateHER, TechFW or NTEETC awardees.
- Current consultants with a contract with the CWE.
- Anyone who has served as a judge for any CWE grant program.
- Any applicant that changes the formation documents of a business to Woman-Owned after the grant has been announced.
What can the funds be used for?
- Purchase of machinery, equipment, or technology
- Addition or acquisition of new inventory or raw materials
- Purchase and installation of fixtures or display units
- Property improvements that will result in additional business
- Marketing or advertising campaigns
- Any other business-related activity that CWE deems is aligned with the stated purpose of this program — please send request to
Sales tax, Wages, salaries, or compensation of any kind are explicitly ineligible activities under this program and will not be funded. (A consultant for a project is allowed.)
What are the grant requirements?
- Submit a complete application with all questions answered, including every page of your business formation documentation showing 51% or more woman-owned and your DD214.
- Send a picture, quote or ad for the items you will purchase with your grant funds.
- Provide a budget showing source (grant, personal, or business funds) and use (what they are funding) funds. The grant amount is 5,000 even — any other amount showing grant funds will be ineligible.
- Awardees will receive 1st half of the grant payment after completing all required TWU paperwork and signing a grant agreement. State agencies have 30 days to pay once all paperwork is submitted. The 2nd grant payment will be sent after the awardee has completed our virtual small business training course, submitted an approved business plan, received 3 hours of small business advising, and sent paid receipts from 1st half of the grant.
- Each awardee must complete our small business training course, submit an approved business plan and receive 3 hours of small business advising.
- Funds must be matched by a minimum of 10% owner investment (cash or equipment). The owner's investment must not be associated with debt of any kind. Owner Investment must be committed and available to the project at the time of the grant application.
- Grant requirements above and all grant funds must be submitted before Sept. 11, 2025 or they will be forfeited.
Application requirements
- Applications only will be accepted electronically via our online application site by 5:00:00 p.m., February 21, 2025. Revisions are not permitted following submission, and only one submission per person. Applications received after 5:00:00 p.m., will be automatically rejected. Winners will be notified March 11, 2025.
- Include all pages of signed and dated formation documentation that your business is 51% or more woman-owned and controlled. This is the only documentation we will accept — anything else will immediately disqualify you — you can send the documentation to to check verification if you are unsure.
- Any current woman-owned certification.
- Texas Veteran Commission document showing you own 51% or more of business.
- Sole proprietor/assumed name/DBA filings show only women listed in them, if a spouse is added, percentages must be shown and proven.
- LLC or LLP Partnerships Every page of your Certificate of Formation showing the company's managers. If a man is listed, you must also send your articles of incorporation, partnership agreement, or other agreement showing percentages owned by both of you, which need to be signed and dated.
- Corporations - Company bylaws, shares, or woman-owned certification.
- DD214 showing Honorably Discharged, General Discharge under honorable conditions, or proof of Active duty in a military transition assistance program (with approved discharge date), Reservist/National Guard.
- Background on your company and a description of the project the grant would be used for (must use template below). Do not send a business plan — we need only our questions answered and judges don’t have time to search for these questions.
- All required information and documentation must be uploaded (for example: proposals from a vendor, quotes or estimates, preliminary invoices, etc.). Incomplete and duplicate applications will be automatically rejected.
- Download Veteran Woman Grant Checklist
Ineligible documents that will disqualify your application — do not send any of these.
- Entity documentation with business name only
- Sales & Use Tax Permit
- IRS tax forms
- Driver’s license
- Credit card
- Passport
- Social Security Card
- Minority-owned business certification unless it explicitly says woman-owned
If you are unsure if your documentation qualifies, please email it to for verification.
Company background & project information
Copy & Paste this information in a PDF that you will upload to your online grant application — each question must be answered, put N/A if not applicable. This information is mandatory.
Company background
- Description of the company’s current operations including products, markets, etc.
- Description of the company’s current operating facilities — both owned and leased
- Summary of the company’s current full and part-time employment
- Description of the company’s need to undertake the proposed project
Project narrative
- Budget for the project, including project costs and sources of funds (see faqs)
- Physical description of the proposed project, including any business or residential relocation which may result from the undertaking of the project
- Projected new employment for each of the three years following project completion including job title
- Explanation of how your project will contribute to the economy of Texas
Learn more about the Company Background and Project Information
After you’ve been awarded
- The successful applicant will typically receive payment within 30 days of being awarded and all required paperwork submitted.
- Awardees are required to:
- Complete a Small business training course hosted by the Center for Women Entrepreneurs and taught by veterans
- Submit and receive approval of a completed business plan
- Send in itemized paid receipts or proof of purchases made with grant funds (costs must have been incurred after receiving grant funding.)
- Spend 3 hours with a Small Business Advisor
- Use the spreadsheet that the CWE provides for documentation
- Awardees will need to sign a grant agreement and photo release BEFORE you can access your grant funds. The University will send you a 1099 for grant funds received.
Please review the grant guidelines, FAQ & videos before submission to ensure the guidelines are met.
Watch the Basics of Grant Writing video
Email us at
Page last updated 5:41 PM, February 26, 2025