Frequently Asked Questions
Does my business have to already be started?
No, the grant can also be used for a start-up - you will need to document the registration fees in your application.
Can a nonprofit apply?
No, the grant can only be used for a for-profit business. Per legislation: a business concern must be a small business as defined in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 13 part 121 for its primary industry classification. 13 CFR 127.200(a). 13 CFR 121.105(a)(1) provides that a business concern must be organized for profit to meet the definition of a small business. 501(c)3 is not organized for profit and as such does not qualify as a small business.
Do I have to be affiliated with TWU to apply?
No, the grant is open to any Veteran woman-owned business in the state of Texas. In fact, applicants who are TWU faculty/staff (or any immediate family member of the applicant including spouse, child, parent), trustee, advisory committee member, or a student at TWU are not eligible to apply.
Can previous TWU CWE grant winners apply?
No, previous winners are not eligible to apply.
What can I use to verify my business is woman-owned?
Proof of woman-owned and controlled documentation could include and must show at least 51% ownership: Any woman-owned certification, sole proprietor/assumed name filings, LLC or LLP documentation, certification of organization, articles of incorporation, partnership agreement or a bank signature card. You cannot submit only the name of the business — you must show the percentage owned. If one document alone doesn’t show this, send the corresponding page that shows ownership shares with it. Do not send anything that is not listed above — including an EIN, Sales & Use Tax Permit, a passport, or a copy of your driver’s license, social security card, or credit card.
What documents can I use to verify my business is 51% veteran owned?
DD214 with Honorable or General (under honorable conditions) discharge. Formation documents showing you own 51% or more ownership.
Can wages/salaries or sales tax be used for grant funding?
No, the grant cannot be used for wages, salaries, sales tax, contract labor or compensation of any type.
What have winners of your other grant programs used the funds for?
Examples of how our other grant winners have used funds include marketing materials and promotional items, computers, software, office furniture, a lathe, computers, pos system and a vehicle to pull a food trailer.
Can I pay bills with grant funding?
No, monthly bills cannot be paid with the grant funding.
What is the matching requirement?
10% in owner-investment must be committed to the project. This can be in cash, start-up costs/licensing, supplies or equipment for the project.
What if I can’t attend the small business training class?
These are mandatory. All classes will be virtual. If you cannot participate in the class, please make arrangements with our office to access the recorded videos of each section.
What If I don’t have a business plan or mine isn’t current?
ONLY winners will need to send in a business plan.
A plan isn’t required for the application. In fact, we prefer not to receive business plans as it makes it too difficult for judges to find the required answers. All business plans must be current. If you don’t have one we can give you a business plan template or set you up with a LivePlan business plan account. New and startup businesses must complete a full business plan, businesses 5 years or older can submit a Business Model Canvas. Send an email to if you want a template.
What kind of project contribution to the economy are you looking for?
Will your project add to the sales tax base, create jobs or have some other contribution to the community?
How can I check my Business Status with the state?
You can check the taxable entity search . If your business shows forfeited your business is not eligible for the grant. You can call the state to find out what you need to do.
What does Source and Use of funds mean?
Source is who is providing the funds and Use is what the funds are used for.
Use of Funds | Source of Funds | Amount |
Computer | Owner Investment | 2,700 |
Advertising Campaign | Owner Investment | 3,200 |
Trailer | Grant Funds | 5,000 |
Vehicle | Bank Loan | 23,000 |
33,900 |
When are applications due?
Grant applications are due by 5:00:00 p.m. CST on May 5, 2023, via our online application. Please allow plenty of time on the due date as applications received after 5:00:00 p.m. will be disqualified. We will only accept online submissions.
Should I call to make sure my application is received?
No, you will be sent an online confirmation.
Where can I get additional questions answered?
All questions will be answered by email — Please do not call as we keep a record of all questions.
Learn more about the FAQ (video)
Page last updated 11:44 AM, December 4, 2024