Center for Research Design and Analysis (CRDA)

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TWU’s Center for Research Design and Analysis (CRDA) operates under the oversight of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). The primary purpose of CRDA is to provide faculty and students with the appropriate level of research support needed for their qualitative and quantitative research, as well as increase knowledge about the research process and data analysis. We have staff on all three TWU campuses.


For TWU Faculty

We offer a variety of serves for faculty. First, we provide assistance with grant preparation (such as refining your aims or writing up an analysis plan for your specific proposal).  We can also assist with data merging and analysis during the fulfillment of a funded grant.

In addition to grant assistance, if you have a data set, the CRDA staff can conduct any analysis needed. CRDA statisticians will clean the data and conduct statistical analyses to address specific research questions.  We will provide you with the clean data set, analysis syntax, and a results document that includes statistical results along with a write-up that details what was done and what the results mean.  The CRDA is also here to assist with research or survey design, and with the design and analysis of qualitative data.

For TWU Graduate Students

The CRDA staff is here to assist with graduate students who would like assistance with their thesis or dissertation research projects.  Prior to data collection, CRDA consultants can meet with you and your advisor to discuss and refine your research questions and methodology.  This helps ensure that the data that is collected will be in the ideal condition to support a strong analysis.  Once you have data collected, CRDA consultants are happy to meet with you individually to help you prepare your data and conduct analyses to answer your research questions.

It should be noted that we do not have the capacity to assist with course work, although if you have a quick question we are happy to help!

For any questions, please email or call 940.898.3398. 





CRDA Canvas

Page last updated 2:48 PM, February 25, 2025