TWU team investigates patented drug as breast cancer treatment


Last year, Dr. Michael Bergel was issued a patent for novel compounds designed to prevent cell division. This year, one of those drugs, JJMB9, is showing promise in pre-clinical studies. With funding from the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership, Dr. Bergel and his team have developed a new model system for investigating the metastatic spread of breast cancer. The study is ongoing, but preliminary data suggests that JJMB9 is effective at reducing the size of metastases. 

“In addition to learning new laboratory techniques, the all-female student research team developed impressive communications and collaboration skills” stated Dr. Juliet Spencer, co-Principal Investigator of the study with Dr. Bergel. “This project is extremely complex with many moving parts, and the students really rose to the occasion. They worked together as a team, developing real-world critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills in the process.” 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. More than 280,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer each year. Further research is needed, particularly through projects like these, which aim to develop new therapeutics in order to prevent deaths from breast cancer.

Page last updated 2:53 PM, March 28, 2023