Megan M. Burke, PhD, CPA

Assistant Professor, Merrilee Alexander Kick College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Program Area: Accounting
Professional Preparation
- PhD, Virginia Tech, Accounting
- Master of Accountancy, The College of William & Mary, Accounting
- BS, Virginia Tech, Accounting
Megan Burke is joining the faculty as assistant professor of accounting. She earned her PhD in accounting from Virginia Tech in 2010, holds a Master of accountancy from The College of William & Mary, and a B.S. in accounting from Virginia Tech. Prior to earning her doctorate, she worked at Andersen in corporate tax and was a tax manager at Argy, Wiltse, and Robinson in family wealth management. She holds an active CPA license. Her research focuses on employee ownership, tax planning, tax aggressiveness, accounting education, and accounting history. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Accountancy, the Accounting Educators' Journal, and others. Her work has been cited by Bloomberg and Forbes. She has received research funding from the Prenting Foundation and travel support from the Beyster Foundation.
Representative Publications
Burke, M. M., Purinton, E. (2020). Engaging Online Students: Using a Multisensory Exercise for Deeper, Active Learning. Marketing Education Review, 30(1), 29-42.
Burke, M. M., Purinton, E. (2020). Student Engagement and Fun: Evidence from the Field. Business Education Innovation Journal, 11(2), 133-140.
Burke, M. M. (2019). A Great Time for a GRAT. Journal of Accountancy. October.
Burke, M. J., Burke, M. M., Gates, S. (2017). To Amend or Not to Amend: A Tax Consulting Case. Journal of Accounting Education, 40(3), 55-62.
Bristor, J., Burke, M. M. (2016). Academic Integrity Policies: Has Your Institution Implemented an Effective Policy? The Accounting Educators’ Journal, Special Edition, 1-10.
Burke, M. M., Gossett, D., Haskin, D. (2016). Transferring ownership of small, closely-held business. Today’s CPA, Nov/Dec, 38-41.
Burke, M. M., Haskin, D., (2016). Incorporating Sustainability Issues into the Financial Accounting Curriculum. American Journal of Business Education, 9(2), 49-55.
Burke, M. M., (2015) Benefits of an employee stock ownership plan in succession planning. Journal of Accountancy, October, 64-68.
Burke, M. M., Gates, S., (2015). Using a practical case to introduce and apply managerial accounting cost concepts. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 15(7), 22-33.
Page last updated 10:10 AM, September 13, 2024