Adeela Gulzari, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting & Finance
Program Area: Management Information Systems
Professional Preparation
- PhD, University of North Texas, Management Science
- MBA, National University of Sciences & Technology Pakistan, Finance
- BBA, National University of Sciences & Technology Pakistan, Finance
Adeela Gulzari is an assistant professor of business analytics and management science at Texas Woman’s University's Merrilee Alexander Kick College of Business and Entrepreneurship. Previously, she taught at the University of North Texas. Her teaching interests include quantitative methods, business analytics, statistical analysis, and programming. Her research centers on inventory management, humanitarian supply chain management, healthcare systems, business ethics, and sustainability. Her work has been published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Quality and Quantity, and other academic journals. She regularly presents her research at international and regional conferences, including the INFORMS Annual Meeting, POMS, DSI and Southwest DSI.
Representative Publications
Gulzari, A., & Tarakci, H. (2021). A healthcare location-allocation model with an application of telemedicine for an earthquake response phase. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 55, 102100.
Gulzari, A., Wang, Y., & Prybutok, V. (2022). A green experience with eco-friendly cars: A young consumer electric vehicle rental behavioral model. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65, 102877.
Wang, Y., Gulzari, A., & Prybutok, V. (2023). Individual Characteristics as Motivators of Sustainable Behavior in Electronic Vehicle Rental. Clean Technologies, 6(1), 18-31.
Wang, Y., Gulzari, A., Xu, L., & Prybutok, V. (2024) “The importance of quality in a complex behavioral model dependent on the analytical: An Example of adopting eco-friendly cars among young consumers in the United States”. Quality and Quantity, 1-29.
Page last updated 9:44 AM, September 11, 2024