Weather Scams

In the aftermath of severe weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, scam artists often prey on vulnerable individuals seeking aid and recovery assistance. These fraudsters exploit the chaos and desperation following natural disasters, posing as legitimate organizations to steal money and personal information. It’s crucial to stay vigilant and recognize common scams to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Common Weather-Related Scams

  • Fake Charity Organizations:
    Scammers create bogus charities to solicit donations from well-meaning individuals wanting to help disaster victims. They may use names and logos that closely resemble reputable organizations, making it difficult to distinguish between genuine and fraudulent charities.
  • Phony Contractors:
    After a severe weather event, fraudulent contractors often appear, offering quick and cheap repairs. These scammers may demand upfront payment and then disappear without completing the work, or they might perform substandard repairs, leaving homeowners with more damage.
  • Government Impersonators:
    Scammers may pose as official government employees offering disaster relief funds or services. They may contact victims via phone, email, or in person, requesting personal information or payment to process claims.

Tips to Stay Safe

Severe weather events are challenging enough without the added stress of falling victim to a scam. By staying informed and cautious, you can protect yourself and your community from fraudsters looking to take advantage of your misfortune. Stay safe, stay smart, and don’t let scammers add to the storm’s toll. 

Page last updated 12:14 PM, June 4, 2024