TWU to serve as polling site for early voting in Denton

October 2, 2019 — Denton — As part of the civic engagement initiative at Texas Woman’s University, the university has announced that it will serve as an early voting site in Denton County for the upcoming November election.

Early voting begins Monday, October 21 and ends Friday, November 1. Registered voters may vote at the university’s Student Union, room 113. The election will include constitutional amendments and join election issues.

“We are excited to serve as a polling site for elections,” said Stephanie Krauth, Ed.D., associate vice president for student engagement. “For the past 18 months, we have been very intentional about promoting the need for civic engagement, and we hope that providing access to polls on campus helps to encourage voter turnout among our students and our neighbors.”

In addition to early voting for the November elections, TWU is also slated to be an early voting site for the primaries in March 2020. Voters should be registered in Denton County to participate in voting on campus. 

According to recent data from the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE), Texas Woman’s University students are voting more than in previous years. From 2014 to 2018, TWU students’ voting rates increased by 20.1%, and the university’s 2018 voter rate of 48.3% was higher than the average rate of 39.1% for all institutions nationwide.

Earlier this year, Texas Woman’s was also designated as a “Voter Friendly Campus” by national nonpartisan organizations, Campus Vote Project and NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.

As in all voting locations, voter identification is required to vote in person. Additional information about specific election details, including ballots, times and alternate voting locations can be found online at the Denton County voting page For voter information in other counties and to determine your voting location, visit the Texas governments voting page . 


Page last updated 9:01 AM, July 18, 2024