TWU to be early voting site for primary elections

February 6, 2020 — Denton — Texas Woman’s University will serve as an early voting site for 2020 primary voting February 18-28.

Voters will cast their ballots in Brackenridge Hall (formerly known as the Student Union), room 207. Voting times follow the Denton County early voting calendar.

“Voting is part of our civic duty as engaged citizens, and this opportunity provides our students and the community with another option to make their voices heard,” said Dr. Stephanie Krauth, associate vice president for student engagement.

People interested in voting who have questions about voter registration, where they can vote and what polling places are near them should visit the Texas Secretary of State’s website.

Texas is an open primary state, and registered voters may vote in either party’s primary but may vote in only one—not both. In the event that there is a runoff election, only voters who cast a ballot in that party’s primary may vote in the runoff.

Those who skip early primary voting in Texas will head to the polls on March 3, otherwise known as Super Tuesday, when the greatest number of states—14 to be exact—hold primary elections or caucuses.

All ballots in Texas will include statewide races, but the remaining races are determined by address. Texas Tribune provides a statewide guide to the Texas primary ballot, and the League of Women Voters provides a voter guide in Spanish and English that includes candidate biographies.


Page last updated 10:07 AM, July 18, 2024