TWU Named 2022 Most Engaged Campus for Student Voting

November 18, 2022 — Denton — ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge has named their 2022 Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting—and Texas Woman’s made the list! TWU joins 394 colleges and universities, including only 17 in the state, recognized by ALL IN for completing the following actions:

  • Participating in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge Most Engaged Campus Logo
  • Sharing 2020 National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) Reports with campus voting data with ALL IN*
  • Developing and submitting a 2022 democratic engagement action plan with ALL IN
  • Having a current signatory to ALL IN’s Higher Education Presidents’ Commitment to Full Student Voter Participation.

“Our Civic Engagement Task Force includes broad representation from our campus community and actively works to make sure that students are informed about elections and the issues,” said Dr. Stephanie Krauth, who serves as associate vice president for student engagement and currently chairs the task force.

This year represented the second-highest youth voter turnout rate for a midterm election in the past 30 years. Young people ultimately decided the outcomes of key races in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin. 

“The research is clear: colleges and universities that make intentional efforts to increase nonpartisan democratic engagement have higher campus voter registration and voter turnout rates. Despite ongoing obstacles, these campuses have remained dedicated in their commitment to ensuring that their students are informed and confident voters,” said Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, Executive Director of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.


Page last updated 8:03 AM, July 30, 2024