New COVID-19 case manager seeks to help TWU students

Dec. 3, 2020 — DENTON — Although TWU’s new COVID-19 case manager is a temporary, part-time position funded through CARES Act allocations, Chazmen Kidd, MSW, expects to make an impact in her new role.

Kidd is one of eight children raised by a single parent and was the first in her family to graduate college. She understands how difficult it can be to navigate the world of higher education during a typical year and recognizes the increased stress brought on by the pandemic.

When students are impacted by the pandemic and complete the form requesting assistance, they can expect to be contacted by Kidd who will help connect them with resources across the university, including contacting their professors, setting up meals and keeping in touch with others, but her role doesn’t stop there. She will also help advise students on the impacts of how withdrawing or reducing hours can impact their financial aid eligibility and will help with contact tracing.

Although it seems like a lot, Kidd says she is used to wearing many hats and is committed to helping students. 

“Not all students have a home to go to for the holidays, and those students still need support,” said Kidd. “I want to be sure that those who feel alone have someone to connect to and have a way to replace those negative emotions with something positive.” 

Kidd, who only officially started Nov. 30, is already working with other departments to identify ways to meet the needs of students who may be struggling during quarantine or isolation as well. 

“I haven’t heard about other universities offering this type of support to students specific to the pandemic, but I’m very impressed. TWU really does put students first,” she said. 

Kidd has limited hours on campus but can be reached by email at for questions.



Page last updated 5:34 PM, December 3, 2020