COVID-19 Town Hall, Proactive Testing Program

Message sent to TWU Students on September 2

Dear Pioneers,

As Chancellor Feyten recently communicated, Texas Woman’s is launching a COVID-19 Proactive Testing Program to help the university in its efforts to mitigate the spread of this virus.  Hospitalization rates for COVID-19 remain high across Texas. We know wearing masks, social distancing and vaccines make a difference. Proactive testing with contact tracing are tools to reduce the spread on our campuses as well. 

Texas Woman’s is finalizing a contract with GeneIQ, a third-party testing company, that will set up rapid antigen testing locations on all three campuses starting Monday, September 13. Information about this testing program is available on the TWU coronavirus website.

We realize you may have questions about the testing program. Therefore, we will be holding an online COVID-19 Student Town Hall at 4 p.m., Thursday, September 9, to provide answers. 

Matt Moustakas, executive director of Risk Management, will lead the discussion. Others from divisions across the university will be on hand to answer questions. 

To join the online town hall, you will need to preregister using this Zoom Webinar Registration link. The meeting will be closed captioned and recorded for future viewing by those unable to join on Thursday. We will include the link to the recording in the Sept. 10 Student Life newsletters. 

Prior to the town hall, we highly recommend reviewing the COVID-19 Proactive Testing Program information on the Coronavirus website, as it provides details on the program itself as well as lists exemptions and explains what occurs with noncompliance. You are welcome to upload your vaccination status at any time. If you were vaccinated at Student Health Services, you will not need to resubmit your vaccination status; however, if you were vaccinated elsewhere or if you participated in a hosted vaccine clinic (your vaccination was administered by Wal-Mart or another provider), you will need to upload your vaccination status.

We look forward to your participation at this online town hall and appreciate your continued support to contain the spread of COVID-19 by voluntarily following CDC recommendations such as frequent hand washing, social distancing, getting vaccinated, quarantining when feeling ill, and wearing masks indoors.

With Pioneer Pride,

Monica Mendez-Grant, Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Life

Page last updated 12:00 PM, July 22, 2024