Symposium Instructions for Virtual Presentations

Virtual presentations will be conducted via Zoom in a synchronous presentation format. Each session has two tracks, Oakley and Minerva

Presenters should join the virtual session at least 5 minutes prior to the start time. The presentation should be no more than 7 minutes followed by a 3-minute question and answer session. During the session, the presenter will be made a co-host by the moderator so that they may share their screens and use visual aids such as PowerPoint, images, videos, etc. After all presentations are completed, any remaining time at the end of the session can be used for additional questions or general discussion.

The sessions will be video and audio recorded so that presenters will have the option to save their presentation to the TWU library repository after the Symposium.

If there is more than one author on a presentation, all authors are welcome to present although only one author is required to be present. All sessions are open to anyone who would like to attend so we encourage you to invite your family, friends, and colleagues.

Page last updated 11:40 AM, May 8, 2024