SPIN Funding Database

InfoEd’s Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN) database contains over 40,000 funding opportunities from more than 10,000 sponsors and is available to TWU faculty, staff, and students. Benefits of creating a user profile include:

  1. Easy Access – Provides seamless access to system on campus and remotely.
  2. Save Searches – User filters are retained each time you log in, saving time and maximizing the search engine.
  3. Activate SMARTS - The SPIN Matching And Research Transmittal Service delivers highly-targeted funding opportunities that exactly match your defining criteria, expertise, and research focus to your email.

SPIN funding opportunity database/matching and notification service (SMARTS) provides features for one-time searching and automated matching to more than 40,000 opportunities sourced from than 10,000 global sponsors

  • Basic, advanced, or keyword-based searches
  • Fine-tune searches using numerous filters and preferences, including project location, applicant type, sponsor type, and new opportunities
  • Save searches and set email alert frequency to daily or weekly
  • Notices of new opportunities are sent shortly after being announced by sponsors; ongoing programs are announced annually.

Begin your SPIN experience by creating a profile and customizing your preferences!

  1. Go to the SPIN website
  2. Click on the Sign In link at the top right
  3. Click on Need to create a new profile?  
  4. Complete the form using a TWU email address
  5. Click Save
  6. ORSP is then notified that a new profile has been created. ORSP must validate your account before you can set up your preferences. Please allow 1-2 days for this validation to occur. Once validated, you will be able to sign into SPIN to select your search preferences and create your profile.

View the SPIN Quick Start User Guide for specific instructions.


Page last updated 8:55 AM, June 18, 2018