TARGET (Equipment) Program

Applications were accepted for the FY 2024 Teaching and Research Grant for Equipment and Technology (TARGET) competition in October, 2023, and the competition is now closed. The TARGET Program Guidelines and Application Form is still available for information purposes and more information about the FY 2025 TARGET program will be made available early fall, 2024. 

State-of-the-art equipment is essential for conducting modern research and instruction that is capable of attracting external funding.  Equipment used for research and to enhance teaching and learning evolves rapidly and can be instrumental in creating a quality learning environment.  Such equipment is increasingly expensive, difficult to acquire through normal external funding mechanisms, and often required for preliminary research to compete for external funding.  Therefore, approximately $200,000 has been allocated for this program to support TWU faculty in obtaining research equipment, ideally for shared use. The committee will look favorably upon research equipment that can also be used to enhance the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Applicants must be full-time TWU tenured, tenure-track, or research faculty. Applications will be accepted from individuals or groups of full-time faculty members at TWU. Proposals that promote faculty collaboration are especially encouraged.

Request for Research Status Form


Page last updated 10:58 AM, May 8, 2024