Small Grants Program

Texas Woman's University makes available, through the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, small grants in support of research that could eventually become the basis for a proposal for external funding for a research grant. Small Grants are primarily intended to allow principal investigators to take advantage of unusual opportunities that arise, particularly to obtain preliminary or pilot data.  Grants are not intended to support conference travel, travel to present research results, or student projects. Typically, only one grant per investigator is awarded per fiscal year. Grants are generally for no more than $1000, although exceptions can be made. Applicants must be faculty with a regular full-time appointment. Priority is given to those who are pursuing an active research agenda and significant research funding. Students and adjunct faculty are not eligible to apply. You will be a sent a received response within 1-2 business days of submission. 


Page last updated 4:05 PM, September 13, 2024