Fringe Benefits
Fringe benefits for employees on a sponsored project are considered direct costs and should be budgeted as shown below:
Faculty and Staff
To determine the cost of fringe benefits to a grant, two methods may be used for benefits eligible employees in academic and nonacademic units (faculty and staff):
- The estimated rate of 35% as published by TWU's Finance and Administration Budget Office should be applied to the annual base salary. This rate would include all fringe benefits such as FICA, health insurance, retirement, etc.
- 17% of salary or wages (for FICA, retirement, etc.) plus actual health insurance rates (Health Insurance Rates - FY 2023. ORSP can assist in determining the actual amounts for specific employees.
Students and Hourly Employees
- 7.65% of wages for FICA (FICA will not be charged for full-time students).
- Health insurance may be included in the budget under certain circumstances for graduate assistants working at least .50 FTE. This insurance may be estimated @ $315 per month or using the actual costs of health insurance for an individual.
Page last updated 10:00 AM, May 8, 2024