TWU, Amarillo College unite to expand degree options for Panhandle communities
Sept. 15, 2021 – DENTON – Texas Woman’s University and Amarillo College (AC) have partnered to create a seamless pathway to teacher certification and other programs that will effectively increase career options for Texas Panhandle communities.
Leaders from Texas Woman’s and Amarillo College signed a general transfer agreement on Sept. 14 that formally endorses the collaboration, making it easier for students to transfer credits from one institution to the other.
Among other opportunities, the agreement creates a pathway for prospective educators to pursue teacher certification through virtual coursework and student teaching within participating school districts – essentially never having to leave home to achieve their goals.
Candidates, including presently employed school support staff who want to take the next step toward teacher certification where they live and work, can earn associate degrees from AC that transfer to TWU’s Department of Teacher Education without loss of credits.
While immersed in TWU’s online bachelor’s degree curriculum, candidates will perform student teaching requirements at their local schools with support – online and in-person – from embedded TWU faculty.
Barbara Lerner, vice provost for undergraduate studies and academic partnerships at TWU, said this general transfer partnership marks the first such formal agreement between Texas Woman’s and a higher education institution in the Panhandle.
Its goal, she said, is to bring light and focus to opportunities for Amarillo College students to complete a bachelor’s degree at Texas Woman’s University, whether it be in person at one of the university’s three campuses or fully online.
“Our partnership with Amarillo College reflects the value that Texas Woman’s places upon our transfer students,” Lerner said. “We recognize that transfer students come to us fully prepared to persist and to graduate.
“Working together, TWU and Amarillo College will assist students in pursuit of their goals and serve workforce interests in the region and statewide.”
Dennis Sarine, director of teacher preparation & early childhood education at AC, says the partnership will open additional doors of opportunity for the more than 500 future teacher candidates currently in the AC pipeline.
“Texas Woman’s University is unique in the fact that they partner with rural districts to allow support staff seeking certification to work within the district to complete clinical teaching,” Sarine said. “This articulation paves the way for seamless transfer with no loss of college hours, and students can complete their certifications in the communities in which they live.
“This innovation allows highly qualified candidates the opportunity to complete coursework virtually and only have to travel to their respective college or university for graduation events.”
Media Contact
Matt Flores
Assistant Vice President, University Communications
Page last updated 5:12 PM, September 11, 2024