Texas Woman’s education abroad director selected for leadership academy

April 23, 2018 - Annie Phillips, PhD, director of Texas Woman’s University’s Education Abroad department, has been selected to participate in the Leadership Academy for New Senior International Officers. Phillips is one of only 17 international education leaders in the United States who will attend the academy this year, which will be held in May at Duke University.
The Leadership Academy, offered by the Association of International Education Administrators, is a training program for those in their current university positions for less than five years. Leading senior international officers from across the country facilitate workshops on topics related to international education at universities, including programs, partnerships, new resources and strategic planning.
Phillips plans to use this experience to improve, support and expand TWU’s international efforts through faculty exchanges, international students, education abroad and international collaborations as well as begin conversations on campus about pressing international education issues in today’s political and social climate.
“Being selected as a member of the 2018 cohort for the Academy is a highlight of my career,” Phillips says. “I am excited to learn from and build connections with an elite group of individuals who work to shape and expand international education at universities across the United States. This is also a tremendous opportunity to showcase Texas Woman’s University.”
Phillips, who came to TWU in 2007, has a varied background of community college and university teaching as well as television reporting experience. In 2015, she was named head of the university’s newly formed Education Abroad office.
TWU’s Education Abroad programs include faculty-led study tours and worldwide affiliated partner programs. Education Abroad works to prepare students to be global citizens with the knowledge, skills and abilities to excel in learning, living and working in a diverse and complex society.
Media Contact
Christy Savage
Staff Reporter
Page last updated 10:21 AM, November 7, 2023