Vicki Baker, PhD
Professor of Music and Coordinator of Music Education

Academic Area: Music Education
Phone: (940) 898-2724
PhD in Fine Arts with Music Education Emphasis, Texas Tech University
MA in Music Education, Texas Woman’s University
BA in Political Science, Texas A & M University, Corpus Christi
State of Texas All-Level Certification-Music
Dr. Baker teaches undergraduate and graduate music education courses and supervises student teachers. Prior to her appointment to TWU, she taught at the University of Texas at Arlington. Her dissertation topic was "The Role of Administrators in the Attrition and Retention of Early Career Secondary Choral Music Educators." Prior to entering higher education, Baker taught elementary and secondary choral music in public schools for 13 years, receiving numerous teaching awards including three citations in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, and being named Most Influential Educator and Teacher of the Year for her school district.
Her publications include research articles in the Journal of Music Teacher Education, Journal of Historical Research in Music Education, Applications of Research in Music Education, Missouri Journal of Research in Music Education, ChorTeach, Texas Music Education Research, Southwestern Musician, and Texas Sings. Her research topics include retention of music educators, pre-service music teacher training, and gender and music. She regularly presents her research at state and national conferences. Baker serves as a clinician and adjudicator for choirs throughout the state of Texas and conducts staff development for music educators.
Baker has choral works published by RBC Music, BriLee Music Publishing Co., Shawnee Press, and Southern Music Company, and she composes pieces for the Texas University Interscholastic League Sight Reading Contest.
Baker served on the executive board of the Texas Music Educators Association as Vice President of the College Division from 2018-2020, and was a member of the 2020 TMEA Centennial Convention leadership team. Other professional memberships include Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Choral Directors Association, American Choral Directors Association, Texas Music Adjudicators Association, Texas Music Educators Conference, Society for Research in Music Education, and NAfME: National Association for Music Education. Baker is a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Kappa Lambda Kappa Omicron Chapter.
Page last updated 4:59 PM, February 20, 2024