Christiane Gilbert, DMA

Adjunct Professor of Music
DMA in Music Education, Boston University
MA in Music Education (Voice Emphasis), Texas Woman’s University
BM in Music Education (Voice Emphasis), Southern Methodist University
A Texas native, Dr. Gilbert teaches courses addressing Music and Wellness, Arts in the Diverse Classroom and Women in Music. Dr. Gilbert's doctoral dissertation, “An Examination of Gender Trends and Sexism Among University Composition Faculty: Conversations with Female Music Professors,” included interviews that highlighted experiences of female professors of music composition who also work as professional composers.
Dr. Gilbert began her teaching career as an elementary music educator. She taught general music and middle and high school choir in public and private schools. She has been music director in a North Texas church. During her master’s studies at TWU, Dr. Gilbert served as a graduate teaching assistant where her teaching responsibilities included assisting with Voice Class, Elementary Methods, Secondary Methods, Women in Music and directing the University Choir. Her research interests reflect her experiences as a music educator and include topics regarding students with autism and special needs in the music classroom, as well as evaluating the status of female musicians in academia, professional practice, publication and programming.
Dr. Gilbert is a member of American Choral Directors Association, The College Music Society, Texas Music Educators Association, NAfME: National Association for Music Education, Society for Research in Music Education, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, and Phi Kappa Lambda Music Honorary Society.
Page last updated 5:01 PM, February 20, 2024