Course Descriptions

Administrative Law / Compliance Issues

Administrative Law covers the rules and regulations which apply to Law Enforcement Management as it deals with internal management and as it responds to external interaction. The course will review the history and development of Administrative Law. It will then review several areas of law that affect Law Enforcement Management and will explore legal issues facing Law Enforcement Management. The course will include a workshop to enable participants to apply Administrative Law principles to workplace situations.

Applied Ethics: Professional Issues and Cases

The purpose of the seminar is to explore, through the presentation of case material, a number of normally ambiguous law enforcement management dilemmas which have ethical components. The seminar also suggests the routes to ethical action-guides (which are not rules) which may help law enforcement managers with their decision-making. To the extent that the discussions and the cases of the seminar appear to lead to easy and/or quick answers, to that extent the seminar has not done its job. This seminar seeks to provoke and sustain inquiry into material which is as important as it is often-unclear.

Career Planning

One of the most important aspects of law enforcement managerial roles is the recruiting and hiring of personnel. This course offers ways to improve questioning techniques and structuring of the job interview. The establishment of a rapport with the applicants while improving the listening skills and attention to relevant material are also addressed. This block of instruction also assists the manager in enhancing his/her own professional vitae.

Comparative Law Enforcement

Comparative criminal justice is the study of the criminal justice systems of other countries. This can be done as an end in itself , but more often it is a means. Comparative studies can be highly specific (i.e. What technology do the police of Sydney, Australia use to support their community policing programs?) or they can be more general (i.e. What is the difference between the adversarial system of criminal justice found in the U.S. and the inquisitorial system found in Europe?). Generally, comparativists do their work with one or more of the following goals in mind: A) Extending the range of alternative possibilities, B) Developing more powerful insights into human behavior, C) Increasing the likelihood of successful reform, and D) Gaining perspectives on ourselves as human beings. In this session, we will examine the way in which the Chinese police handle minor offenses and look at a study comparing U.S. and European crime statistics.

Constitutional Law: The Evolving Concept of Constitutionalism

Introduction to the concept of constitutionalism with emphasis upon its historical origins and development in England and America. Examination of the role of law enforcement in the emergence of contract theory. Review of basic principles of limited government with emphasis upon the debate concerning the inclusion of the Bill of rights in the U.S. Constitution. Survey of the essential concepts of the U.S. Constitution such as separation of powers, checks ad balances, and federalism. Analysis of the impact of the Civil War Amendments and the subsequent incorporation of the Bill of Rights making them applicable o to the states.


Criminology is the study of criminal behavior. It can be considered an interdisciplinary science, since theories of criminal behavior can be categorized as psychological , biological, sociological, economic, and political. We will only cover some of these theories in this course , as well as explore some issues with the measurement of crime and the methodological problems of studying crime causation. Our discussion is concerned with the following questions: Who commits crime? Why do people commit crime? Why don't most people commit crime?

Cultural Diversity

This course offers an opportunity to consider ethical issues relating, especially, to racial and cultural diversity in American society.

Fiscal Affairs

An overview of local government finance is provided. We will cover both local revenues and expenditures as well as examine the local budgetary process. In addition to an overview, specific information about Texas local government finance and budgeting will be reviewed. Emphasis will be given to appropriate roles for police managers to play in the budgetary process.

Future Concepts: The Future of Law Enforcement

Introduction to futures study, its methods, and its application to law enforcement. Examination and practice in the uses of futures research. Much emphasis is placed of the emerging info/biotech age and its impact on the world and this on law enforcement and criminal justice. Futures research is applied through examples and a brainstorming session to "solve" a criminal justice dilemma. Finally, the results of 20+ years is applied to describe crime and justice in the 21st century.

Intergovernmental Relations and Law Enforcement

Intergovernmental relations and law enforcement is a component within the general LEMI curriculum because effective interagency relations are crucial to the success of Texas police agencies in the modern age. In the lecture/ discussion format, instructors clarify some important interagency problems and issues with emphasis on the nature of formal and informal cooperative ventures in the departments represented by officers I the class. This block of instruction specifically emphasizes enhanced interagency cooperation as an important means of overcoming problems created by decentralized police service in the United States.

Leadership Styles in Political Context

Discussion of classic and contemporary styles of leadership, especially as these apply in contexts of public service management in the political environment of modern Texas

Movement Classes: Fitness

A considerable emphasis is placed on fitness and physical wellbeing during Module II. Learning what type of exercise works best for an individual is not only key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also to enjoying the workouts. Several different styles of workouts are sampled so that informed decisions can be made and a workable health plan can be devised.


This course is to teach law enforcement officers how poor habits (dietary as well as others) can have a detrimental effect on the quality of their lives. It approaches this issue by focusing on four of the major diseases which are related to stressful and secondary work environments (coronary heart disease , cancer, diabetes, and obesity). Each disease process is discussed and emphasis is placed on the causes and cures of these conditions. Concluding statements address how diet and lifestyle can play a role in the development of an improved lifestyle as well as an increased length of life.

Nutrition & Wellness

Proper diet and exercise are important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This course offers pointers on how to make it through your daily routine without the "highs" and "lows" that damage the body. Topics of discussion include ways to boost energy levels, proper hydration, snack ideas, portions and mini-meals, soluble fiber and blood cholesterol and the truth about dieting.

Personality Profiling

The purpose of this seminar is to increase self-awareness and confirm self-perception. In this course, we will discover normal differences in people concerning energy source, information gathering, decision making, and life style. We will appreciate the gifts and strengths of ourselves and others, and learn how to capitalize on our strengths and the strengths of others. In addition, we will supplement and augment those areas that we may overlook or those areas that do not come easily to us. Lastly, apply the knowledge about our personality types.

Terrorism & World Affairs

Terrorism and World Affairs is designed to provide an increased awareness of the impact of international, national, state, and local decisions upon everyday life. Our discussions will center around the nature of the political system, international changes in Europe and the Middle East, the impact of national economic policies and the effect of selected state and local decisions as challenges to society and law enforcement.

Texas Government: Politics and Finance

Review of key concepts in the field of political science with emphasis upon the structure of Texas government. Examination of systems theory and its essential components. Identification of the major functions of the Texas political system. Analysis of the major elements of the Texas political structure with special attention to culture, constitution, political parties, interest groups, local government, the Legislature, the plural executive, and the bifurcated judiciary. Assessment of Texas as part of the federal system. Comparison of Texas to other states. Review of major trends and issues in Texas politics. Examination of public finance and tax policy at the state and local level with consideration of these and other policy questions on Texas law enforcement. Reflection of the future of Texas politics and public policy.

A "well" person strives to balance his physical, emotional, intellectual , and spiritual life. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a higher level of health and well being. Wellness requires your active involvement. As you gain more information on what enhances your well-being, use this to make informed choices for the best possible lifestyle.

Page last updated 9:56 AM, January 6, 2017