Sport Management

MS or PhD in Kinesiology

TWU’s Kinesiology degree with an emphasis sport management was designed for the ultimate fan who wants to work in the sports field, whether it be in marketing, business or operations. 

The MS in Kinesiology (Sport Management) is primarily online and can be completed in just four semesters.

The PhD program includes a combination of online and classroom instruction on our Denton Campus.

With flexible enrollment, you can be admitted in the fall, spring or summer semesters.

Lisa Langston

“Every project I completed and every research paper I submitted were all related directly or indirectly to my role as an interscholastic athletic administrator. Thus, I was learning how to be a better manager, a better leader and a better critical thinker.”

Lisa Langston, PhD ’10, Director of Athletics at Fort Worth ISD

Careers and Salaries

Graduates work in sport-related industries, including professional, major and minor leagues; collegiate and high school sports; recreational and wellness facilities; not-for-profit sport organizations; amateur athletic associations; sport management and marketing firms; and event operations. Career options include administration, general management, communication, facility operations, legal, marketing, player operations, retail/licensing, and ticket operations and sales.

Salaries in these professions vary widely.

Grace McDowell

“The personal growth that I have experienced during my time at TWU has helped prepare me to take on this new leadership role. I learned more about myself through the process, including developing a better understanding of my strengths and areas for growth.”

Grace McDowell, current PhD student, Athletic Director at Frisco ISD

Why Sport Management at TWU?

TWU offers this interdisciplinary program with a strong foundation in business, marketing, communication and law. You will balance learning about the business elements of sport with the study of sport as a means of individual and social improvement.

Our program allows for a flexible online learning environment coupled with access to a varied and diverse sport industry in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. You will collaborate with your classmates as well as apply what you learn with industry leaders.

As the nation’s largest public university primarily for women, our program is focused to empower future professionals, especially women, to be positive agents of change in the sports field.

Master's Program Requirements

This is a 36-hour online program that culminates in an internship with a sport-related organization. See full master’s program requirements in the Graduate Catalog..

Doctoral Program Requirements

This program requires 96 credit hours, with mentorship and engagement in national and international research and presentations with faculty. (See full doctoral program requirements in the Graduate Catalog.)

You also must select a minor outside of the department of Kinesiology. Recommended areas of research interest include business, communication or education administration.

As a doctoral candidate, you should gain proficiency in both teaching and research. Before you are allowed to take your comprehensive exam, you must:

  • Give a minimum of two presentations at local, state, regional, national or international conferences
  • Be involved in a minimum of two research projects at TWU
  • Submit at least one manuscript for publication as first or co-author
  • Be mentored on teaching by a faculty member culminating in the teaching of at least one section of an upper-division undergraduate class

Admission Requirements

For More Information

Jason Torres
Graduate Academic Advisor
Pioneer Hall 213 

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Page last updated 9:49 AM, December 5, 2024