Marietta Rheiner Garner

Black satin dress with a black satin scarf over the shoulders.

Marietta Rheiner was born on a Texas ranch and educated at a seminary for young ladies in Tennessee. She married John Nance Garner of Sabinal, Texas, in 1895. Marietta Rheiner and John Nance Garner established and maintained their home in Uvalde.

  • The Garners lived in Washington, D.C., while Mr. Garner served as a congressman from Texas. 
  • Marietta Rheiner Garner ". . . has been with him as a secretary, from the old Legislature days at Austin, Texas. She has typed every letter that has been written. . . ." 
  • 1933 - John Nance Garner was elected Vice President of the United States under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Marietta Rheiner Garner's gown is the one she wore to the State dinner given by President Roosevelt to honor Vice President Garner. The Llano Estacado Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Amarillo, Texas, obtained the gown from Marietta Rheiner Garner and presented it to the collection.

The gown is made of black satin, cut on the bias and constructed with great skill and understated perfection.

Page last updated 10:54 AM, October 3, 2019