Faculty Travel at State Expense
TWU Policy for Travel Expenditures is based on provisions of the Texas Government Code, Chapter 660, and rules adopted by the Board of Regents. Procedures and forms required to obtain authorization for travel and to request reimbursement are available on the Payment and Procurement Services website's Travel page.
There are 2 requirements that must be fulfilled before a TWU employee can be reimbursed for travel expenditures:
- The travel expenditures must be approved in advance by an Authorized Official
- The purpose of the travel must be Official TWU Business
It is important to acknowledge that final approval for travel reimbursement is authorized by the State Comptroller of Public Accounts rather than any TWU official. The documentation provided must be adequate to satisfy the Comptroller that the “duties performed” justify the expenditure of the state’s tax dollars.
It is the responsibility of the employee/traveler to:
- Prepare a request for leave/travel and submit it for consideration and approval by the Department Chair, Dean, Director or other appropriate administrative official prior to the time of the proposed travel. The form “Request for Travel Authorization (RTA)” is available on Controller’s website
- Prepare and submit a Travel Voucher to claim reimbursement for eligible travel expenditures. The documents submitted must show proof that the travel was preauthorized and was required for conduct of official TWU business. Instructions and the form are available on Controller’s website.
Records which must be attached to the completed Travel Voucher include:
- Original Receipts for purchase of public and commercial transportation
- Original receipts for lodging
- Receipts for registration fees
- Receipts for meals (note: gratuities and alcohol are not reimbursable)
- Accurate time of departure and return to headquarters
Securing approval in advance of travel is the responsibility of the traveler, and approval by designated official(s) in the employee’s department cannot be granted for any amount that would exceed the department’s budget authority. The account which travel expenditures are charged to must include adequate unencumbered funds in the Budget category for Travel.
Once prior approval for travel has been obtained, faculty members may make reservations through the state contracted agent. Contact information for the current agent and other information regarding state contracts for travel can be accessed through links on the Controller’s website. Faculty members are eligible to apply for a corporate travel card, and information regarding application is available at the Controller’s website. It should be noted that the individual cardholder is personally liable for charges made on the travel card.
State appropriated funds cannot be used to pay travel expenses of students incurred in attending meetings or conferences, nor can such funds be used to pay travel expenses of an employee of TWU if the only justification for the employee’s travel is to accompany, sponsor or provide transportation for the students.
For travel to foreign countries (except Canada and Mexico) the request to travel must be approved by the Provost at least 30 days prior to the departure date. All foreign travel requests approved by the Provost will be forwarded to the Chancellor.
Page last updated 4:05 PM, June 15, 2017