Information Technology Use
URP: 04.700 Computer & Software Acceptable Use Policy
Access to the information resource infrastructure both within the University and beyond the campus, sharing of information, and security of the intellectual products of the academic community require that each and every user accept responsibility to protect the rights of other users. Any member of the University community who, without authorization, accesses, uses, destroys, alters, dismantles or disfigures the University information resources, properties or facilities, including those owned by third parties, thereby threatens the atmosphere of increased access and sharing of information, threatens the security within which members of the community may create intellectual products and maintain records, and engages in unethical and unacceptable conduct. Access to the information technology systems at the University is provided as a privilege and must be treated as such by all users of these systems. Members of the University community should strive for the most responsible use of the institution's resources. Users accept the responsibility to 1) respect the legal protection provided by copyright and licensing of programs and data, 2) respect the privacy and rights of other users, and 3) respect the intended usage of resources.
Information resources in this statement are meant to include any information in electronic or audiovisual format or any hardware or software that make possible the storage and the use of such information (i.e., electronic mail, local databases, externally accessed databases, CD-ROM, motion picture film, recorded magnetic media, photographs, digitized information, voice mail, faxes).
Page last updated 2:41 PM, June 9, 2021