Faculty-Student Relationship

Academic Advising

Sound academic advising encourages student success and increases retention rates. Academic advising includes helping individual students make decisions about educational and career goals and informing them about opportunities for majors and minors as well as options within degree requirements. It is the responsibility of students to investigate necessary resources and information to help them make informed decisions regarding their academic careers.

All TWU faculty are expected to maintain a strong commitment to quality advising. Faculty are to stay abreast of current institutional policy and practices and be able to refer students to student support services, deliver correct information, and post and keep regular office hours. The faculty's role is to connect students with the appropriate resources and to help students understand opportunities available at TWU.

Faculty Office Hours

Faculty members are expected to make themselves available to their students for academic consultation as needed outside of class hours. They will partially meet this requirement by posting and maintaining regular office hours, distributed throughout the week.

Page last updated 8:33 AM, June 14, 2024