Harry Lang
Science: Science Education
Harry Lang was born on June 2, 1947, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He went public school. When he was fifteen he got meningitis (MP4). This caused him to become deaf. He graduated from the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. He learned to sign and lip read.

He went to Bethany College for his bachelor's degree. His major was physics (MP4). During college Lang did not use interpreters or note-takers. He got his master's degree in electrical engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He then got his Ph.D. in science education from the University of Rochester.

While he was a student at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, Lang wanted to read stories about deaf scientists, but there were not very many. This made him want to write stories. He wrote three books about famous deaf people. It took him about five years to write each book.

The first book, Silence of the Spheres, was about deaf men and women that did important things in science. It was used to create this Web site.

The second book, Deaf Persons in the Arts and Sciences, is a biographical dictionary of 160 famous deaf people. It was used to create this Web site.

The third book, A Phone of Our Own, is about the invention (MP4) of the TTY (MP3) and how it affected the Deaf community.

He has published (MP4) over thirty research (MP4) papers and ten book chapters.
Lang has taught physics (MP4) for over twenty years. He worked for three years on a research project finding out what makes a good teacher.
He also spent three years traveling throughout the country with the Access to English and Science Outreach Project (AESOP). He taught teachers how to teach English and science to improve the writing of deaf students.

Lang has received Rochester Institute of Technology's Outstanding Teacher Award. He has been invited to speak and teach in England (MP4), Japan (MP4), and Germany (MP4). He has met many famous scientists such as Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Linus Pauling, and Dr. Ruth.

Dr. Lang is still alive and works at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) in Rochester, New York.
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