Gideon E. Moore
Science: Chemistry
Gideon E. Moore was born in 1842 in Philadelphia. He lost his hearing over time when he was an older child. Moore preferred to use writing to communicate. However, he could read lips. The Deaf community did not accept him because he did not become deaf until he was an older child. He also struggled to communicate with hearing people. He was profoundly deaf when he started college.

He went to Yale College. After he went to Yale College he went to the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He received his doctorate degree and graduated with honors.
He started working for the government (MP4) in the United States when he graduated. He was an assayer. An assayer is a person that tests minerals (MP4) to find out what is in them.
Amethyst - Mineral
Aquamarine - Mineral
Credit: Gunnar Ries (Amphibol)

His first discovery was a new mineral (MP3). He found it in New Jersey. He studied many different characteristics of the mineral such as the hardness (MP4), color, and specific gravity (MP4). He named the mineral Brushite after his favorite teacher.
He also studied and documented the characteristics (MP4) of a new mineral that was eventually named Metacinnabarite. After that he selected by the government to study sorghum (MP4) after the Civil War. Since there was a shortage of sugar cane, the government wanted him to study how to make it into sugar for little money.
Credit: Rob Lavinsky
Credit: Public Domain

Moore died on April 13, 1895 of pneumonia (MP4).
Read More about Gideon E. Moore
PBWorks Wiki - Gideon E. Moore
Lang, H. G., & Meath-Lang, B. (1995). Gideon E. Moore. In A Biographical Dictionary: Deaf Persons in the Arts and Sciences (pp.261-263). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Page last updated 11:35 AM, April 20, 2023