Provost appointment announcement

Dear Texas Woman’s Colleagues,

Yesterday’s eclipse viewing exceeded my expectations, and I hope you had a similar experience if you were able. We are fortunate it happened yesterday before the deluge—and cloudy skies—that hit North Texas today.

Angela Bauer, TWU Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

In other “celestial” news, I am happy to announce that Angela Bauer has agreed to serve as our Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost starting June 1. Dr. Bauer is a neuroscientist with more than a decade each in public and private university settings and has served in multiple academic leadership roles, including chair, dean, and finally, senior vice president for academic affairs at High Point University. She has spearheaded many academic initiatives ranging from student retention to assessment to establishing new schools in health sciences.

Her colleagues describe her as a passionate advocate for the liberal arts, a consensus builder, and a champion for inclusion. In leading a revision of the general education at High Point, she demonstrated innovative leadership and communication that resulted in more than 70% of the faculty buying into the plan, something one colleague described as an “unheard-of level of support among faculty.” I am thrilled at the prospects of her academic leadership for Texas Woman’s. Please see our news release for more details of her appointment.

I offer a huge thanks to members of the search committee, especially the chair, Dean Yelkur, and Grant Malone, who staffed the committee, as well as Anthem Executive, the search firm. A mission-driven, experienced, and committed provost is essential as we move forward with Momentum: Strategic Plan 2028. I also want to thank you, the Texas Woman’s community, as you showed up to learn about the candidates and to share your perspectives. I put great value on the wisdom of crowds.

Last but not least, Finley Graves has poured his heart and soul into serving as our interim provost for the past two years. He has led us through critical milestones in academic program expansion, accreditations, research growth, filling faculty lines, tenure and promotion, construction and infrastructure growth, policy updates, and much more. It is remarkable how much we have accomplished in such a short time, and I give due credit to Provost Graves’s experience, deep care, and leadership. Please thank him for his outstanding service to Texas Woman’s University.

As a Star Trek aficionado and in “light” of the alignment of the provost news to the 2024 eclipse, I feel it is proper to end with the imperative: Boldly Go!

With a pioneering spirit,

Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D.
Chancellor and President

Page last updated 4:46 PM, April 9, 2024