Announcing new CIO
Dear Texas Woman’s Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce the appointment of our new chief information officer (CIO), Henry G. Torres, PhD, who will start on July 8. As technology continues to prove an invaluable tool in our everyday lives and in the operations and impact of Texas Woman’s, Dr. Torres’s experience and leadership will contribute to growing our university system.
Dr. Torres is coming to us from the Arkansas State University System, where he has served as vice president of information technology & CIO. In his role at Arkansas State, Torres led teams of IT professionals across seven system campuses and was instrumental in overseeing several key initiatives related to emerging technology, cloud services/hosting, and improving IT service. In his private-sector career, he has been an information technology executive specializing in the areas of distribution, logistics, store operations, and e-commerce.
One of Dr. Torres’s personal priorities and leadership strategies is to teach regularly, staying close to the academic mission wherever he works in academia. One of his references said he is reliable, hardworking, and loyal—all key qualities.
He earned a Bachelor’s of Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University, a Master’s in Business Administration from Henderson State University, and a PhD in Business Administration with an emphasis in Information Systems Security Training at Kennesaw State University.
I am grateful to the search committee co-chairs, Dr. Mark Hamner and Chalese Connors, to Ann Kolodetsky, who staffed the committee, and to all the committee members who served over this past academic year conducting this national search.
Words cannot express my gratitude for Cori Treviño, who has served at Texas Woman’s for 30 years and, since my time here, has been a leader in IT Solutions. She has served as deputy CIO for the past four years, particularly through the challenges of a reorganization led by short-time CIOs and significant technological evolution, not the least of which was the Oracle Cloud migration. Together with Jason Tomlinson, they have been essential leaders in moving us forward to where we are today. We owe you, Cori and Jason, so thank you for your steadfast leadership.
I look forward to this brave new world of AI, virtual modalities of work and learning, and new ways of leveraging our #campuswithaheart ethos through strategic technology use.
With a pioneering spirit,
Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D.
Chancellor and President
Page last updated 10:32 AM, May 21, 2024