Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Dear friends and colleagues,

Sometimes in life, it may seem hard to find that patch of blue sky where all seems sunny and bright. From the challenges in our daily lives to challenges in the world, that patch of blue, may seem somehow distant.

That is what makes Thanksgiving such a favorite and special time of the year. Being with family, friends, and loved ones gives us the opportunity to suspend external concerns and re-focus on things like 'turkey or ham?' 'pumpkin pie or pecan pie?' 'mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes?' 'pozole or mole enchiladas?’

Chad and my wish is that Thanksgiving is a ‘blue-sky’ day for you; that your tummies are delightfully full and that we each have the opportunity to experience the full meaning of this special day of giving thanks. I know I am grateful for you.

Sincere best wishes,

Carine and Chad

Page last updated 8:47 AM, November 27, 2023