Exit meeting with the SACSCOC Reaffirmation Committee

Dear Colleagues, 

Good morning! ¡Buenos dias! Let me start your Monday with good news. At last week’s exit meeting with the SACSCOC Reaffirmation Committee, I heard a glowing report. By the “standards,” they found ample evidence to corroborate what we submitted in September’s compliance report.

Beyond the standards, I would say the committee was positively gushing about everyone’s warmth, collegiality, and competence. They talked about how students were so effusive about the faculty and how impressed they were with the students overall. 

I also heard over and over about how everyone’s commitment to the mission was palpable. A member of the visiting committee thanked a grounds crew member for how nice the campus looked. The crewmember shared how vital the grounds are for student success. Hearing that story is a dream come true—when everyone at the university can articulate how they play an essential part in making the big picture.

Concerning the quality enhancement plan, the committee chair said, “[It’s] the best QEP I’ve ever seen.” I cannot imagine anything better than that!

Thank you all for pouring your hearts into this institution. It is more than just during the accreditation site visit. It is every day, year upon year. I especially want to thank Dr. Gray Scott and his team for leading the reaffirmation efforts, and Drs. Gretchen Busl and Michelle Kelly for co-chairing the QEP development.

We want to celebrate the success of this accreditation visit following the Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards event on Thursday. I look forward to seeing you there. Thank you again for all your talents and energy! You truly make a world of difference.

With a pioneering spirit,

Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D.
Chancellor and President

Page last updated 12:20 PM, May 2, 2023