Announcing Shannon Mantaro’s new leadership of the JNIWL

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that Shannon Mantaro has agreed to serve as the executive director and chief officer for the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership. She has been serving as interim since Mary Anne Alhadeff retired in May of this year.

Shannon came to Texas Woman’s in September of 2017 from Colgate University in New York, where she was responsible for advancing Colgate’s economic development program. She started as director for the Center for Women in Business, later becoming the Center for Women Entrepreneurs within the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership. She was promoted to senior director for JNIWL in 2020.

The JNIWL inspires and supports women across the state and here at home. I am grateful to have someone with Shannon’s breadth of experience and depth of commitment to the mission of the institute and the university.

Please join me in congratulating Shannon and wishing her success as we continue to realize the potential the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership can offer the State of Texas.

With a pioneering spirit,

Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D.
Chancellor and President

Page last updated 9:34 AM, November 9, 2023