Houston campus opening Tuesday

September 3, 2017

Dear TWU Houston Community,

The start of the school year—always one of my favorite times—usually is filled with excitement and anticipation. Yet, that’s far from the case this year, as we open our TWU Houston campus under the cloud of Hurricane Harvey’s devastating aftermath. 

Our leadership continued to meet throughout the weekend with our Emergency Management team regarding the opening of our campus. With the input of our Houston faculty, we are moving forward with opening the campus Tuesday, September 5. However, due to the City of Houston’s ongoing curfew, the building will operate on a modified schedule for the first week, opening at 6 a.m. and closing at 10 p.m. Students will follow a normal Tuesday class schedule September 5, unless you are contacted by your Program Directors or individual faculty members.

As you arrive Tuesday morning, I will be there, along with Provost Alan Utter, Executive Vice Provost Jennifer Martin and members of our Emergency Management team to welcome you. I hope you will join us for a continental breakfast provided by the university in the lobby area beginning at 7 a.m. While separated by miles, our hearts stand with you, and we want to express our support and solidarity in person.

Representatives from TWU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) will be on site in Houston for the week. I hope that you will take advantage of these services and take time to visit with our Houston CAPS team, along with our Director Dr. Denise Lucero-Miller and Assistant Director Dr. Linda Loudon, who will be on campus all week to provide support. In addition, they will provide a Critical Incident Stress Session to faculty and staff on Wednesday, September 6, at 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.

As the recovery process from Hurricane Harvey’s devastation begins its long journey, I want to assure you that the university is committed to working with you individually based on your situation and circumstances. So you are aware, additional academic scholarship funds have been made available for those affected by the storm. For more information or to apply, contact Lisa Quinones at lquinones@twu.edu.

Students, if you are unable to make it to campus for classes on Tuesday, please contact your instructors. Faculty and staff who cannot come in, please inform your department director or supervisor. For other general questions and guidance, please email TWUHarvey@twu.edu.

As a reminder, our team has put together a resource page for our students, faculty, and staff that addresses such issues as late registration, withdrawal, faculty support, payroll, and assistance program funds.

To apply for Hurricane Harvey federal assistance go online to disasterassistance.gov or go in person to a disaster recovery center to learn about services available from federal, state, and voluntary agencies. You can locate a disaster recovery center near you at https://egateway.fema.gov/ESF6/DRCLocator.

As we begin to resume normal operations, I know that our TWU Houston students, faculty and staff are resilient; you’ve proven it this week in the stories that I have heard of your courage, determination and support that you’ve shown to your fellow TWU Houston family members. You are all #HoustonStrong and #TexasStrong, and I couldn’t be prouder to lead this university.


Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D.

Page last updated 1:29 PM, July 26, 2018