Associate dean facilitates Bold LeadHERship Roundtable

six women stand in front of wall with TWU initials

August 1, 2024 – DENTON –  Texas Woman’s University concluded its third Bold LeadHERship Roundtable, a pioneering initiative aimed at fostering leadership and professional growth among executive women. 

The program, which began in April and concluded July 30, brought together 30 women leaders for a series of workshops designed to tackle the unique challenges and opportunities faced by women in leadership roles.

Participants engaged in discussions of strategic goal setting, self-discovery, strategic communication, decision-making, mentoring and career advancement. Workshops were held on both the Dallas and Houston campuses. Three in-person meetings were held each on the Dallas campus and Houston campus, and the other three were combined virtual meetings. 

The program was a collaboration between the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership, the TWU College of Business and the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce. The Roundtable was facilitated by Dewaynna Horn, associate dean for accreditation and professor of management in the College of Business, and COB Dean Rama Yelkur.

"Our primary goal was to assemble a diverse group of mid to upper-level executives from Dallas and Houston, and seeing their commitment and enthusiasm was incredibly gratifying," Horn said."Career growth is a lifelong journey, and initiatives like the Bold LeadHERship Roundtable provide the necessary support and resources to navigate this path effectively."


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Amy Ruggini
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Page last updated 11:20 AM, August 1, 2024