Student Prosperity

Elevate student prosperity into the heart of all we do

Educate a woman, empower the world

Texas Woman's focuses on the whole person to help our students thrive. Moving beyond wealth, prosperity embodies a fullness of life. To best meet the needs of our students, we seek to prepare them to enter their chosen field, expand professional and social networks, promote positive physical and mental health, and plan for financial reality. With this foundation, at the heart of all we do, students can build lives based on their individual needs, goals, and circumstances.

Texas Woman’s University is dedicated to equipping our students with the tools to become engaged leaders and global citizens. We strive to provide our students with an environment, enveloped in care, that celebrates their diversity, while building them up as both individuals and as part of a community. Our commitment to academic excellence and integrity is the foundation of our drive for student prosperity. With campus collaborations and a multitude of interdisciplinary and social events, we endeavor to provide deliberately crafted interactions and experiences that are offered contributing to student’s physical, mental and academic health.


Success Measures

The Team