2023 News

Former TWU math, computer science chair Rose Marie Smith had high impact

Rose Marie O'Brien Smith, Texas Woman's University alumna, former chair of TWU's Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, professor emerita and for whom a scholarship for student teachers was named, passed away on Sept. 15, 2023.

Global landscape group recognizes TWU’s grounds for excellence

A global organization focused on landscape management has recognized Texas Woman’s University as being among the nation’s higher education institutions with the best grounds.

A study in horror

H.P. Lovecraft has triggered nightmares, stimulated imagination, sparked reflection on the human condition and inspired authors, film directors, video game directors and artists. He is also fueling Michael Cerliano's pursuit of an academic career.

Historical society honors Feyten for education excellence

Texas Woman’s University Chancellor Carine Feyten has been recognized with the Dallas Historical Society’s Award for Excellence for her outstanding contributions to education.

PT researchers studying treatments for post-stroke fatigue

Associate Professor Hui-Ting Goh and Professor Emeritus Elaine Jackson, both from the School of Physical Therapy at the Dallas Center, have been awarded a $372,870 three-year grant from the National Institutes of Health to fund their project, "Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Post-Stroke Fatigue."