Discretionary Strings


University strings labeled “Discretionary” are established to provide greater flexibility in achieving the educational mission of Texas Woman’s University. Discretionary funds are designed to serve the University by enabling expenditures which may not be authorized using other funds. Although considered discretionary, the expenditures must be for the benefit of Texas Woman’s University.

These strings are structured as follows: 111.88900.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxx.0000000000.


The responsibility for prudent use of these funds in accordance with the policy and procedures stated herein is delegated to the Provost, Associate Provost, Vice President, Associate Vice President, Dean or Director. Those employees designated serve as department approvers and possess spending authority for funds allocated to their strings. With the best interest of the University as the basic premise, department approvers are expected to exercise careful judgment to determine the reasonableness of each expenditure from these funds weighed against the ensuing benefit to the University. Internal audits will be performed periodically to insure consistent application of these guidelines and other applicable policies.

Funding Allocations

Funds will be allocated to the strings on an annual basis as determined through the University’s Budgeting process. Per recommendation of TWU’s Office of Internal Audits, fund balances rolling forward will be limited to 20% of the current year budget.


Expenditures from discretionary funds must be documented and processed in accordance with TWU’s Procurement policies. All pertinent records related to the receipt and disbursement of discretionary funds shall be maintained in accordance with University regulations.

Guidelines for expenditures are in the table below.

swipe to see the full table

Category Transaction Type Guidelines
Alcohol Alcoholic Beverages Not Permitted
Awards Employee/Student Awards Permitted (see URP 01.210)
Cards Holiday/Greeting Cards Permitted
Contributions/Donations The purchase of a table, or advertising relating to charitable events or organization. Permitted with Vice President’s approval
Memberships & Dues Institutional/Individual Permitted (see URP 04.330)
Flowers   Permitted
Gifts Employees/donors/students or any organization Permitted
Gift Cards Any Type – Visa, Starbucks, Walmart, etc. Not Permitted
Gratuities Tips or Gratuities Permitted
Meals   Permitted
Professional Services Non-employee Permitted (see Special Procurements)
Student Activities Direct expenses for Orientations, Receptions, Graduation Permitted
Training/Registration Fees Employees Permitted
Travel Employee – To supplement additional expenses not covered by State or other funds. Permitted (see University Travel)
Tuition Employees Not Permitted

Page last updated 3:50 PM, January 3, 2024