Students invited to register for TWU Edible Car Contest

Feb. 5, 2020– DENTON– Registration for Texas Woman’s University’s 22nd annual Edible Car Contest is under way. The contest, which is open to students in grades 6-12, will take place from 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, in the Multipurpose Classroom and Laboratory Building auditorium.

A close-up of an edible car entry made of various root vegetables, with a

The entry fee is $50 per team, and the registration deadline is Feb. 17. Cash prizes totaling $600 will be awarded to contest winners. For registration information and a full schedule of events, visit or contact Brandie Golleher at

The Edible Car Contest challenges students in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to combine their creative ideas with principles of mathematics and physics. Students in teams of four with a minimum of two female participants per team build small cars entirely out of edible materials. The cars are then judged in several categories, including ingenuity, mobility and design. The teams also compete against each other for the fastest race times by rolling their cars down an inclined track.

260 students from eight North Texas school districts are expected to participate in this year’s event.

Media Contact

Anna Ryan

Page last updated 12:13 PM, July 11, 2022