CITI Human Subjects Research Training

Each of the two curriculums offered through CITI contain general IRB information in addition to information more specific to the type of research: Biomedical or Social & Behavioral. The CITI human subjects training modules can be completed in multiple log-on sessions and the total completion time is approximately 2-3 hours. Links to the Course Completion Report and Training Certificate will be generated when all required quizzes are completed with a total score of at least 80%.

As a member of CITI, TWU offers several training options for researchers. Note that the human subjects training should not be confused with the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training (these are separate requirements). The IRB does not require RCR training and RCR training certificates should not be submitted to the IRB. Also note that the RCR training WILL NOT fulfill the requirement for human subjects training so make sure that you are accessing a human subjects course when completing the training for this requirement. A human subjects refresher course is also available on the TWU CITI site.

Page last updated 11:21 AM, May 8, 2024