Cost to Attend
Calculate your Costs
Cost to attend varies significantly among students. Use our tuition estimator to calculate tuition and fees for your major at TWU.
Estimated Costs for Fall 2025-Spring 2026
The Cost of Attendance (COA) includes expenses that are determined by the institution (tuition & fees) and expenses that are flexible based on student choices (books, housing & food, transportation and personal expenses). The COA serves as the foundation for determining your financial need as well as the amount of qualified aid that can be offered to you.
he Financial Aid Office may adjust the cost of attendance for students on a case-by-case basis to address individual circumstances.
Undergraduate Students
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Based on 15 (30 annually) hours per semester for Fall and Spring terms.
Item | On-Campus | Off-Campus | At Home |
Tuition (15 hours per semester)* | $7,140 | $7,140 | $7,140 |
Fees | $3,510 | $3,510 | $3,510 |
Books & Supplies | $1,203 | $1,203 | $1,203 |
Housing & Food | $12,195 | $12,996 | $2,831 |
Personal Expenses | $2,664 | $3,080 | $1,582 |
Transportation | $1,166 | $1,582 | $1,582 |
Total | $27,877 | $29,511 | $17,847 |
*Add $12,600 for out-of-state tuition charges.
Graduate Students
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Based on 9 (18 annually) hours per semester for Fall and Spring terms.
Item | On-Campus | Off-Campus | At Home |
Tuition (9 hours per semester)* | $5,184 | $5,184 | $5,184 |
Fees | $2,700 | $2,700 | $2,700 |
Books & Supplies | $1,203 | $1,203 | $1,203 |
Housing & Food | $12,195 | $12,996 | $2,831 |
Personal Expenses | $2,664 | $3,080 | $1,582 |
Transportation | $1,166 | $1,582 | $1,582 |
Total | $25,111 | $26,745 | $15,081 |
*Add $7,560 for out-of-state tuition charges.
Tuition and Fees (Billable) - The average cost of tuition and fees for a typical student is based on enrolling 30 total hours over Fall and Spring terms. The actual costs that a student incurs will vary depending on the student’s degree or certificate program.
Housing (Billable on-campus; Non-Billable off-campus) and Food (Billable on-campus; Non-Billable off-campus) - A reasonable estimate of what it would cost to live on-campus, off-campus or with parents with attending school. Actual costs may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances.
Books and Supplies (Non-Billable) - The average cost of books and supplies for a typical student for an entire academic year (fall and spring terms) or summer term.
Transportation (Non-Billable) – The average cost of travel to and from the student’s residence and transportation costs to and from class and work.
Personal (Non-Billable) – The average cost of personal items not included in room and board expenses.
Page last updated 2:55 PM, March 26, 2025