HUB Subcontracting Plans (HSPs)
Determine which HSP option will best fit the contract requirements:
Form Name: HUB Subcontracting Plan Good Faith Effort - Method A (Attachment A)
Use Method A if:
You will MEET or EXCEED the HUB subcontracting goal identified in the Agency Special Instructions of the HSP, or within the solicitation doc.
HSP Checklist
- Section 1 - Respondent and Requisition info
- Section 2a - Subcontracting Y or N
- Section 2b - List portions you’re subcontracting
- Section 2c & 2d - Indicate Y or N
- Section 4 - Sign the form. Include email and phone.
- Good Faith Effort (Attachment A)
- Complete the attachment for each subcontracting opportunity you listed in 2b.
Note: Per state regulation, any HUB subcontractors you have existing contracts with that have been in place for more than 5 years cannot be claimed towards the goal.
Form Name: HUB Subcontracting Plan Good Faith Effort - Method B (Attachment B)
Use Method B if:
You will NOT MEET the HUB subcontracting goal identified in the Agency Special Instructions of the HSP, or within the solicitation doc.
This is the most widely used Method.
HSP Checklist
- Complete the attachment for each subcontracting opportunity listed in Section 2b.
- Section B-1 -List the name of the subcontracting opportunity listed on the corresponding line (item no.) in Section 2B.
- Section B-3 - Subsection (b) - List 3 HUBs you notified re: portion of work indicated in Section B-1.
- Subsection (d) - Indicate the names of 2 minority or women’s organizations you contacted.
- Find these organizations HERE.
- Include copies of correspondence and whether notice was accepted or rejected.
- Submit documentation that one or more HUB subcontractors will be utilized and that the total value will meet or exceed the goal for the appropriate procurement category.
Note: Per state regulation, any HUB subcontractors you have existing contracts with that have been in place for more than 5 years cannot be claimed towards the goal.
Form Name: HUB Subcontracting Plan Opportunity Notification Form
Use Self-Performing if:
You will not be subcontracting any portion of the contract and will utilize your own resources in completing the project.
HSP Checklist
- You must sign an affidavit and provide a statement explaining how you intend to fulfill each subcontracting opportunity.
- You may be required to provide the following, per the state agency’s request:
- Evidence of existing staff to meet contract objectives (review W2s)
- Monthly payroll records showing staff fully engaged in contract
- On site reviews of company headquarters or work site
- Documentation proving employment of qualified personnel holding the necessary licenses and certs required to perform their work.
Note: 1099 employees are subcontractors.
Important to Know
- HSP is Pass/Fail
- If the HSP fails, so does your solicitation response
- You need 4 things for a successfully compliant HSP
- State all subcontracting (HUB & non-HUB) to be provided in the contract.
- Identify the subcontractors that will be used during the course of the contract.
- Identify expected percentage of work to be subcontracted.
- Identify approximate dollar value of that percentage of work.
- An HSP is required:
- Anytime a contract is $100K or more
- Anytime an agency requires it in their formal solicitation
- Respondents are required to use the comptroller’s CMBL and the HUB Directory to search for subcontractors.
- Respondents participating in the Mentor-Protégé Program may submit their protégé as a subcontractor in the HSP for the particular area being subcontracted without having to do a good faith search for other HUBs.
Helpful Tips
- HSPs can be intimidating at first, but they get easier and easier the more you do. After doing one, it will likely get a lot easier.
- If you’re confused about NIGP codes, like elevator repair vs. elevator installation, reach out to our HUB Associate, the HUB Coordinator listed in the HSP, or to the Comptroller.
- Feel free to ask HUB questions during Q&A period during solicitation. It doesn’t have to be all "spec" questions.
- Do networking ahead of time with HUB vendors for subcontracting opportunities that may come up in the future.
- Make sure you’re keeping track of Progress Assessment Reports (PARs) so you can get paid.
- Make sure the HSP is signed.
What is Good Faith Effort?
- You must divide the contract work into reasonable lots or portions, consistent with prudent industry practices.
- Bidders must notify HUBs of subcontracting opportunities in writing, and provide the following info:
- Scope of work (SOW)
- Specifications
- Contact email w/ name
- You must search for HUBs using the CMBL, HUB Directory, and/or other directories listed by the agency.
- You must provide notice to 3+ HUBs per subcontracting opportunity. Keep written documentation (email is sufficient).
- You must give subcontractors 10 working days to respond to your request.
- You must provide written justification of the selection process, especially if a non-HUB subcontractor is selected.
- Encourage selected non-certified HUB subcontractors to apply for HUB certification.
Helpful HSP Links
TWU’s HSP form [PDF]
Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) HSP Video
HUB Subcontracting Opportunity Notification Form [PDF]
HSP Progress Assessment Report [XLS]
Page last updated 10:35 AM, May 22, 2024