Disability Accommodations

Texas Woman's University is committed to equal opportunity in education. Orientation, like all of our programs at TWU, strives to meet the diverse needs of our student body. Therefore, students in need of special services during orientation should contact Disability Services for Students (DSS) at 940-898-3835; TDD 940-898-3830 in advance of orientation for more information.

If you intend to register with Disability Services for Students (DSS) under the terms of ADA/504, or wish to request accommodations during your orientation session, contact DSS at least two weeks prior to your orientation date by calling 940-898-3825 or emailing DSS. Visit the DSS website for more information.

Disability Services for Students provides specialized confidential services, including information about community resources and provisions on approved direct services. TWU students who have medical verification of disabilities can receive information, assistance and accommodations from Disability Services for Students by contacting one of the numbers above.

The office is located in the Classroom & Faculty Offices Building (CFO), Room 106.

Page last updated 9:30 AM, April 18, 2017