

The name of this organization shall be known as the Association of Service and Support Employees of Texas Woman’s University, also known as ASSET. This Association was established as The Texas Woman’s University Office Support Staff (T.O.S.S.) in 1983 to encourage career and personal development of individual members and to enhance the communication and cooperation among Texas Woman’s University staff members. Our name was changed to ASSET in 1996 in order to better reflect the organization’s objectives since membership was no longer limited to “office” support staff. ASSET is an independent organization affiliated with Texas Woman’s University and is not an agent for any other organization or group. The Executive Board and its general membership have sole control and responsibility.


The purposes and goals of ASSET are:

  1. To raise funds for the J. Wilkes Berry, Ph.D Memorial Endowment Fund and the ASSET Scholarship to provide support for TWU staff persons employed and/or enrolled at the University during the semester the ASSET scholarship award is made.
  2. To encourage career and personal development of its members through conferences, workshops, programs, and speakers.
  3. To provide an organization through which the TWU service and support staff can contribute positively to the academic and professional excellence of the University.
  4. To identify and develop service opportunities that will benefit TWU students, staff, faculty, and the community.
  5. To provide hardship relief, fellowship and support to TWU staff.


Section 1: Membership shall be open to all service and support staff below the level of director of Texas Woman’s University.

Section 2: An honorary membership shall be granted to all support staff members who retired prior to September 1, 1983. An honorary membership shall be granted to all active members of ASSET upon retirement after September 1, 1983. An honorary member shall have the same status and privileges as an active paying member.

Section 3: Members that have been promoted and have been active for at least 5 consecutive years and wishes to continue to be a member even though he/she has been promoted to a Director or above is eligible to maintain his/her membership, which includes payment of dues and voting privileges.


Section 1: The officers of the organization shall be: president, vice president, recording secretary, publicity secretary, treasurer, and events secretary.

Section 2: The term of office shall be for one year (August 1 through July 31). No officer shall serve in the same capacity for more than two consecutive terms.

Section 3: Vacancies shall be filled by special election of the Executive Board.

Section 4: The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board and perform all duties pertaining to the office. The president shall appoint special committees as needed. The president shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Board.

Section 5: The vice president shall, in the absence of the president, perform all duties of the president. The vice president shall serve as chair host/hostess and work with the members in planning and organizing regular monthly meetings. He/she will be responsible for implementing the nomination and election procedures for new officers. The vice president shall perform other duties as requested by the president and the Executive Board.

Section 6: The recording secretary shall keep an accurate record of all of the proceedings of the organization and of the Executive Board. The recording secretary shall furnish the Executive Board copies of the minutes of all meetings. He/she shall be responsible for the official files and records of the organization. The recording secretary shall perform other duties as requested by the president and the Executive Board.

Section 7: The publicity secretary shall conduct all correspondence and publicity of the organization as directed by the president, issue notices of all meetings of the organization. The publicity secretary shall be prepared to read any communications directed to the organization at each regular meeting. He/she shall maintain the organization’s post office box, scrapbook, and send birthday wishes to the organization's members. The publicity secretary shall perform other duties as requested by the president and the Executive Board.

Section 8: The treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt, disbursement, and recording of all funds of the organization. The treasurer shall be prepared to present a treasurer’s report at each regular meeting and each Executive Board meeting. He/she shall furnish the events secretary with a list of all current members and actively update the Executive Board of new members throughout the year. The treasurer shall perform other duties as requested by the president and the Executive Board.

Section 9: The events secretary shall oversee special events and report to the Executive Board. The events secretary shall serve as chair to the Membership Committee, Scholarship Committee, and Adopt-A-Spot. The events secretary organizes and implements the new membership drive, the selection of the scholarship recipient according to the criteria set forth by the organization and the six Adopt-A-Spots for the year. The events secretary shall perform other duties as requested by the president and the Executive Board.


Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the organization and one Executive Board member elected by the board for up to a two-year term. The immediate past-president shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.

Section 2: The Executive Board shall have a minimum of six meetings per year.

Section 3: The executive board member shall participate in all Executive Board meetings as a voting member. The executive board member shall perform other duties as requested by the president and the Executive Board.


Section 1: The standing committees of ASSET shall be: Scholarship, Membership, Hostess, and Nominating committee.

Section 2: The Scholarship Committee chair shall be the events secretary unless otherwise appointed. The committee shall plan and organize the annual scholarship award campaign. The committee will be responsible for publicizing the event, receiving the applications, choosing the award recipient(s), insuring that the scholarship funds are transferred as necessary, presenting award selection to the Executive Board and notifying the award recipient. The chair will provide updates to the Executive Board.

Section 3: The Membership Committee chair shall be the events secretary unless otherwise appointed. The committee shall actively recruit members by contacting new employees and inviting them to join ASSET. The committee will organize a new membership drive yearly. The committee will appoint a committee member to maintain a current roster of members for the organization’s records and the website. The chair will provide updates to the Executive Board.

Section 4: The Hostess Committee chair shall be the vice president unless otherwise appointed. The committee members consist of all ASSET members. The chair assists the hostess (member) to assure a program for each meeting. The monthly hostess sets the program and is responsible for the set up of the meeting. The chair will provide updates to the Executive Board and assures that the publicity secretary has the proper information to publicize the meeting.

Section 5: The Nominating Committee chair shall be the vice president unless otherwise appointed. The committee will have the responsibility of the nomination and election process as stated in this constitution.

Section 6: Special committees shall be appointed by the president as needed.


Section 1: There shall be a minimum of ten meetings per year.

Section 2: The vice president shall schedule the date, place and time for each meeting.

Section 3: The publicity secretary shall notify the members of the meetings.


Section 1: The nominations shall be presented to the membership.  At that time, nominations will be accepted.

Section 2: The nominations shall include: president, vice president, recording secretary, publicity secretary, treasurer, and events secretary.

Section 3: A nomination for Executive Board member shall be presented every other year by the board (or as the position is vacated).

Section 4: Ballots will be distributed to all paid ASSET members.

Section 5: Election results shall be determined by a simple majority.

Section 6: The election results will be announced as soon as the results are confirmed prior to July 31.

Section 7: The new officers and chairpersons will begin their terms of office on August 1. Current officers will serve until July 31.


Unless stated otherwise in this constitution, all votes shall be decided by a simple majority.


This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a vote of two-thirds of the active members present, provided that the proposed amendment or bylaw has been approved by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.


Should ASSET dissolve, all money held by the organization after discharge of all bills will be given to The J. Wilkes Berry, Ph.D Memorial Endowment Fund at Texas Woman’s University to be used to provide scholarship(s) for staff enrolled at the University.

Adopted: May 23, 1984
Amended: March 24, 2000
Amended: January 25, 2002
Amended: June 19, 2007
Amended: September 20, 2011

Page last updated 10:46 AM, September 14, 2022